This Is Our Story:
80+ years of God's Ministry
in Greenbush
In 1904, the building that served as the Black River Junior High School was moved by horses to the corner of State Street and Campbell Road in Greenbush. The church was served by several Methodist-Episcopal circuit-riding preachers. After some time, the denominational church dissolved, and the building sat vacant.
In 1938, a group of ladies in Greenbush had a vision for the need to teach the Word of God to children in the community. Because of that vision, they began a Sunday School in the local, one-room school house. Later the Methodist-Episcopal church building that stood adjacent to the school was purchased by this small group. Due to their association with the American Sunday School Union, the name Greenbush Union Church was chosen. When the church left the union and joined the Independent Fundamental Churches of America, the name was changed to Greenbush Community Church. God used Doug Taipalus and Larry Richmond to shepherd the flock during this time. While still associated with the IFCA, the church officially organized and called their first full-time pastor, Tom Elyea.
Pastor Elyea served the church for seven years. During his ministry the church purchased the parsonage across the street, and began an AWANA Club. Charles Price was the second full-time pastor, and he served for five years at Greenbush. Under his leadership, the Greenbush Christian Academy was started to meet the growing need for Christian education in our area. Ken Marsh became the pastor in 1983 and served for 19 years. Under his direction, the church changed the name to Greenbush Community Baptist Church to more accurately reflect the belief and practice of the ministry. Also during Pastor Marsh’s time here, the Hospitality House and property was purchased to be a blessing to guest speakers and missionaries who were home from the field. In 2002, Jim Sweet served as the interim pastor while the church sought God’s will for their next pastor until 2003, when God led A.C. Caincross to assume the pastorate. During his tenure, the church built a gymnasium, rebuilt the platform to add a baptistry, and added an addictions ministry.
God has blessed over these 85 years as we have sought to reach men and women, boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “This is the Lord’s doing: it is marvellous in our eyes!”